• Costumes on stage - Grasshopper
  • Costumes on stage - Grasshopper
  • Costumes on stage - Grasshopper
  • Costumes on stage - Grasshopper
  • Costumes on stage - Grasshopper
  • Costumes on stage - Grasshopper
  • Costumes on stage - Grasshopper
  • Costumes on stage - Grasshopper


The grasshopper’s form became clear from the study of zoology textbooks. The complexity of the details fascinated me. The mechanism that evolved provides flexibility of the movement of the joint together with the power that the movement creates
I strove for a constructive solution that would translate a small movement on the part of the actor to a large movement of the long legs of the grasshopper. Connecting the joints made the leaps convincing


Tsur Kotser


Theatre Costumes